Thursday, 29 March 2012

Ledrada give-away and other life stuff

In order to boost Ravelry project pages for the Ledrada set, I’ll be giving away 5 copies of the eBook to the first 5 commenters to this thread!

Hurry up and post :)

And of course it would be nice if you took some pics of your FO (shawl and/or mitts!) and created a project page! ;)

In other life news, yesterday I finished the test-week for the DTP course for the unemployed. It was in fact some sort of protracted evaluation. In the end I was selected for the waiting list, even though I was told to improve my spoken Dutch (which is admittedly not great...). So the waiting list may go from a few weeks to a few months. I may know which tomorrow. Meanwhile, wait! and prepare to wait! some more...


  1. That picture with the hands flying on the air it's kind of disturbing xD,sorry for the goofy comment.
    La veritat és que no porte massa temps amb això de 'les agulles' i ara menys que quasi no tinc temps, però quan la tinga feta t'enviaré les imatges. M'agraden molt els colors que fas servir, jo quasi sempre use els mateixos. Un petó!

  2. Hola Begonya! yeah I also think it is a bit creepy, but at the same time a bit humorous? hehe

    Ets membre de Ravelry? M'agradaria molt veure el que hagis fet!

    Si, de vegades em penso que potser hauría d'ampliar una mica la meva paleta? jeje.

  3. Do I qualify under the first 5? I think this shawl is really interesting, love the stripes!

  4. Hello UmmRania! If you click on the link to the Ravelry thread, you will see that the places are already filled unfortunately!

  5. I know this is ages after and you probably won't even read this, but I have just found your blog )through your fantastic ravelry lion hood project!) and am now catching up on your blog. So if you read this I would love your ebook as the fifth comment!

  6. Hi there Mags. The thread is not in here but a link to Ravelry :) The places were already filled a long time ago, as you can see in the previous comment from April also!


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